Fixed Installation Ports & Specialty Probes
Fixed Installation Ports & Probes
Save time and reduce exposure with fixed installation ports
These ports are designed to assist aerosol injection into ducting or HVAC units for aerosol sampling of the upstream particle concentration. Designed to meet ISO 14644-3, ATI’s fixed installation ports can be added to new or existing installations to mitigate the risk of infection and exposure of non-filtered air into the clean space by eliminating the need to remove ceiling tiles for leak testing.
- Cleanroom certification
- Pharmaceutical cleanroom testing
- Nuclear cleanroom testing
Features & Benefits
- One time installation
- Significant reduction in certification time and expense
- Convenient and sanitary access point
- Eliminates exposure to non-filtered air and contaminants
- Reduce risk of infection
ATI’s Filter Leak Test Accessories are uniquely designed to significantly reduce the time and expense of certifying cleanrooms.
In-Situ (Fixed Installation) |
Portable (Carried to Site) |
Aerosol Injection (Generator Side) |
Aerosol Sampling (Photometer Side) |
Fixed Installation | ||||
Aerosol Injection Port |
Aerosol Sampling Port |
Ports for Inserting L-Scanning Probe |
Specialized Sampling Probes | ||||
T-Scanning Probe |
L-Scanning Probes (Left-, Right-hand) |
Fixed Aerosol Injection Ports
Fixed aerosol injection ports can be easily installed to a ceiling duct in a clean room or an adjoining room that feeds the cleanroom.
- Can be connected to Positive Injection Pump (PIP) tubing
- Compatible with Sparge Pipes to assist mixing
Fixed Aerosol Sampling Port
Fixed aerosol sampling ports allow air-tight connections to the photometer for sampling upstream aerosol challenge from a fixed ceiling point.
- Provides a fast, convenient and sanitary access point for upstream measurement
- Allows for remote connection
T and L Scanning Probes
The perfect solution for scanning difficult to access filters
Safe-change (bag-in-bag-out) filter installations have traditionally been tested volumetrically, but this test is much less sensitive than the scan test. There may be defects in a HEPA filter installation that will pass the volumetric test, which could compromise safety or the environment. To allow a scan test for filter which are difficult to access, ATI has developed an improved scan test with our T- and L- Scanning Probes.
T-Scanning Probe
Designed for permanent installation, the T-Scanning Probe is usually installed at point of manufacture but also can be retrofitted. The sample probe is sealed to the filter housing and our photometer sample tube is attached to the probe shaft.
- Fitted permanently, close to filter face < 10.2 cm (<4 in.)
- Slower scanning rate than standard handheld probe < 2.5 cm (<1 in.)/sec
L-Scanning Probe and Scanning Probe Port
The L-Scanning Probe is inserted through a permanently installed port for the HEPA filter test. The sample probe is sealed to the port and the photometer aerosol sample tube is attached to the probe shaft.
- Designed for temporary installation and is inserted through a permanent port at time of test.
- Right-handed and left-handed L-Scanning Probes are included with kit
To insert the L-Scanning Probe for scanning difficult-to-access filters, a fixed port should be installed to the filter housing.

Item | Description | Part Number |
Fixed Aerosol Injection Port | Aerosol Injection Port, flat mount, ID: 1-1/4 in. | 630-701 |
Aerosol Injection Port | Aerosol Injection Port, curved mount, XXX is the duct diameter in 50mm increments, ID: 1-1/4 in. | 630-701-XXX |
Fixed Aerosol Sampling Port | Aerosol sampling port kit | 630-700 |
L-Scanning Probe Port | L-shaped scanning probe port | 630-SP-34IN-12 |
Item | Description |
Part Number |
L-Scanning Probe | L-shaped scanning probe, includes left- and right-hand probes, 1000 mm (39 in.) long by 315 mm (12.4 in.), comes with mechanical fittings | DOP315-L-1000 |
T-Scanning Probe | T-shaped stainless-steel scanning probe for 305 mm (12 in.) wide filters with 920 mm (36 in.) shaft, comes with mechanical fittings | DOP3055-12-920RF |
T-Scanning Probe | T-shaped stainless-steel scanning probe for 305 mm (12 in.) wide filters with 3 m (120 in.) shaft, comes with mechanical fittings | DOP3055-12-3000RF |
T-Scanning Probe | T-shaped stainless-steel scanning probe for 610 mm (24 in.) wide filters with 3 m (120 in.) shaft, comes with mechanical fittings | DOP610-RF-3000-12 |
T-Scanning Probe | T-shaped stainless-steel scanning probe for 610 mm (24 in.) wide filters with 920 mm (37 in.) shaft, comes with mechanical fittings | DOP610-RF-920-12 |